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Housing Handbooks, Policies and Links to HUD Regulatory Sites, and NAHMA Public Policy Positions

To help members more easily find topics on this page, it has been reorganized into alphabetical order (i.e., by first key word in the issue header, except, the word HUD is always disregarded in alphabetising listings, and the key HUD Websites and Data Sets remain at the top)

Important HUD Websites & Information

HUD Data Sets

Active Partner Performance System (APPS)

Replaces the Form 2530 Previous Participation Certification Application

During the week of July 20, 2007, HUD issued new Guidance on its APPS 2530 previous participation certification process, relating to implementation of the new Preservation Approval Process Improvement Act of 2007. To view the Guidance, please click on the second link below:

HUD memo dated Nov. 23, 2004, which revises its memo dated July 16, 2004 (see below) HUD memo dated July 16, 2004, which restates key aspects of its 2530 policy See next item for 2530 policy as it relates to REAC Inspection Scores.

Bed Bugs

Choice Neighborhoods Initiative


Contract Administration

Converting Efficiencies to One-Bedrooms

Disaster and Emergency Resources

Drug-Free Workplace

Enterprise Income Verification (EIV) System

Fair Housing Issues

Fair Market Rents

Field Office Restructuring

FHA Multifamily Mortgages

Financial Assessment Subsystem Guide

  • Click here to access the User Guide for submitting Audits to HUD


HOME Program

HOPE VI/Choice Neighborhoods

Housing Choice Vouchers

Housing Trust Fund

HUD Form 9834 - Management Review for Subsidized Multifamily Housing Projects

HUD 401K Plan Requirements

HUD – DOE Weatherization Programs

General Asset Management Issues

Green Retrofit and Refinancing Program for Multifamily Housing

Income Calculations and Exemptions

IPA Roster Rule

Late HAPs

Lead Based Paint

Template Letters for Those Invited to Participate in Big Buy

Limited English Proficiency Guidance (LEP)

Also, refer to NAHMA's grassroots advocacy page for the latest LEP advocacy information.

Location Affordability Index

Management Agent 4381.5

Mark-to-Market Program

Medical Marijuana/Smoke-Free Policies

The Department has posted smoke-free housing toolkits to OHHLHC’s website at

 Please read the cover letter here

These toolkits were developed by the Department of Housing and Urban Development and its partners, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the American Lung Association, and the American Academy of Pediatrics and are designed to provide information on smoke-free housing policies and suggested steps to take when implementing a smoke-free housing plan.

Mixed-Finance Development Interim Rule for Section 202, Section 811, and Tax Credits

Model Leases

Multifamily Asset Management and Project Servicing Handbook 4350.1

Nonprofit-Specific Issues

Occupancy Handbook 4350.3

At the time the revised Handbook 4350.3 Rev-1, Occupancy Requirements of Multifamily Housing Programs, was issued in August 2003, a mailbox was established to respond to questions on the handbook from tenants, owners, management agents, housing organizations, contract administrators, and HUD staff. A summary of the questions and answers was compiled and put through Departmental clearance. The answers to the questions included in the summary are considered official policy and are available at the link below:

Summary of Questions and Answers from Handbook 4350.3 Rev-1 Multifamily Mailbox

The 4350.3 Occupancy Handbook 4350.3 REV-1 was issued on June 12, 2003. HUD released the updated version 4350.3 REV-1, Change-1 on August 26, 2004. Change 1 includes corrections, clarifications and additions intended to make handbook instructions more clear. An erroneous reference is corrected in Chapter 2, and there are substantial changes made in Chapters 3 and 4. The Glossary was also updated. Specifically, Change-1 clarifies students must be independent from their parents to be eligible for assistance, clarifies non-citizens’ eligibility for temporary deferrals of assistance, and it incorporates guidance on collection of race and ethnicity information and screening and drug-related criminal activity.

Management Agent Handbook 4381.5

One-to-One Replacement Policies                                                                                                            

Pet Policies                                                                                                            


Property 236 Excess Income Reports

Rental Assistance Demonstration


If you believe your REAC physical inspection was flawed, you are advise+-`d to appeal immediately. Information is available on the REAC website, through the link below, which explains what kind of appeal to file (technical review vs. database adjustment) and how to file these challenges.

HUD Youtube Channel Videos

Regulatory Barriers, Burdens, and Additional Concerns

Rental Housing Working Group

Section 8

Section 8 Renewal Policy Guide

Previous Page Changes to Section 8 Renewal Guide

Section 202/811

Section 223(f)

Section 236

HUD Strategic Plans

Student Eligibility for Section 8 Housing

Sustaining Our Investment

Tax Credits

Tenant Issues

Transforming Rental Assistance/HUD's Rental Assistance Demonstration Program

TRACS/iMAX/Industry Meeting Reports

Utility Allowances

Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Documentation

LIHTC XML Standard