2024 NELLS Course Flyer

About the NAHMA Emerging Leaders Learning Series (NELLS)

The NELLS program is designed exclusively for Affordable Housing Property Management professionals. NELLSManager focuses specifically on topics relevant to first-line professionals, including Property Managers, Leasing Managers, Maintenance Managers and Compliance Specialists. Click here for a flyer describing the NELLSManager 2025 class. The original NELLSExecutive program focuses on topics relevant to senior organizational managers and leaders, typically at the Director, Regional, Officer level and above. Click here for a flyer comparing the two classes.

Below is a snapshot of the types of topics covered in each course:

NAHMA Emerging Leaders Learning Series (NELLS Manager)

NELLS Executive Logo

  • Developing a Manager Mindset
  • Personal Management Style
  • Difficult conversations and
    delivering feedback
  • Setting Priorities
  • Strategic Communication
  • Managing Change
  • Resource Management
  • Management vs. Leadership
  • Adaptive Leadership
  • Authority vs. Influence
  • Growth Mindset
  • Effective Delegation
  • Navigating uncertainty
  • Preparing for disruption

NELLSManager Class Dates in 2025:

Registration is now closed for NELLSManager 2025.


NELLSExecutive Class Dates in 2025:

Registration to open by May 2025
and close in early July 2025.

NELLSExecutive and NELLSManager are both designed as blended programs that combine the benefits of cohort learning with executive coaching. In addition to three group sessions, each participant will have two, one-on-one coaching sessions to tailor program content to their specific requirements.  All sessions are conducted using the Zoom videoconferencing platform. Group sessions are 90-minutes, except for Session I, which is 120 minutes to include program orientation. All group sessions begin at 2:00 PM Eastern. Coaching sessions are scheduled individually, and will alternate with group sessions.

Successfully completing a NELLS course will earn an individual five Continuing Education Units (CEUs) toward their annual six required CEUs to maintain their NAHP or NAHP-e credentials. In addition, successful completion of a NELLS course will earn an individual a free two-year NAHMA Associate membership. Details follow: To successfully complete a NELLS course and earn the five CEUs and free Associate membership, an individual must attend all three Zoom webinar classes plus both one-on-one coaching sessions. At the end of the course, if a student has attended all five sessions, they will earn a completion certificate noting the five hours of CEUs earned. As the NELLS course content is comprehensive and cumulative, and the one-on-one coaching is integral to assisting students in learning and applying the knowledge for their individual professional development, partial attendance or missing classes / sessions will not constitute successful completion of the course. As a result, students can only earn five CEUs for full attendance, and cannot earn any CEUs for less than full attendance.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: How will the NELLSExecutive and NELLSManager programs be delivered?
A: Three group sessions and two one-to-one coaching sessions for each participant will be conducted using the Zoom videoconferencing platform. Each session is designed to be interactive, engage participants in discussion, Q&A, and scenario exercises.

Q: How many participants are in each cohort?
A: There are 15 seats available in each cohort. A minimum of five participants is required to establish a group.

Q: Why have one-to-one coaching sessions been included as part of the program?
A: A key component of adult learning is the ability to apply new concepts and knowledge in context. One-to-one coaching sessions enable each participant to apply content discussed during group sessions to his/her specific work environment and circumstances to accelerate the development of new professional habits.

Q: Will NELLS participants be assigned homework?
A: Although there are no formal assignments, members of the cohort are expected to immediately begin applying new skills during the program. Participants will be encouraged to share their experiences during group sessions.

About The Facilitator

Brenda Harrington, PCC, is a Certified Executive Coach and former Property Management executive. The Founder of Adaptive Leadership Strategies, LLC, she works with leaders in private, public, non-profit, government and intergovernmental entities to develop leadership competencies required for them to have impact as leaders in the 21st Century. Her clients include the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), Federal Reserve Board, World Bank Group and United Nations. As a Moderator for Harvard Business School Publishing (HBP), she has facilitated leadership development courses for HBP corporate clients worldwide. To learn more about Brenda, please visit her website www.adaptiveleadershipstrategies.com and LinkedIn profile.

“Brenda was really helpful and insightful. The one one-on-one sessions
were really great. She offered an objective point of view with no judgement,
asked questions to make you think and look deeper.”
— Past NELLS participant