1. Have you ever treated an affordable property in your portfolio for bed bugs?

Yes 83%
No 17%

2. Do you have any market-rate rental units in your company’s portfolio?

Yes 64%
No 36%

3. Have you treated any of those market-rate rental units for a bed bug infestation?

Yes 37%
No 33%
I do not have market-rate units in my company’s portfolio 30%

4. In your experience, what is the average cost per unit per treatment of bed bugs to eliminate an infestation at a property (this treatment includes initial visits and subsequent treatment(s) [as determined by a pest control company] to eradicate an infestation)?

$0-250 0%
$250-500 26%
$500-750 24%
$750-$1000 21%
$1000-1500 13%
$1500-$1750 5%
$1750+ 11%

5. On average, how many units (including the infested unit) are treated for each bed bug treatment for an infestation at a property (this treatment includes initial visits and subsequent treatment(s) [as determined by a pest control company] to eradicate an infestation)?

1 5%
2 11%
3 24%
4 29%
5 11%
6 5%
7 0%
8 0%
9+ 16%

6. On average, how many total treatment(s) (including initial visits and subsequent treatment(s)) were necessary to eliminate an infestation?

1 13%
2 24%
3 50%
4 5%
5+ 8%
Total 100%

7. What treatment options were used on your property to eliminate bed bug infestations? Please select all that apply.

Heat treatment 68%
Cold treatment 8%
Steam treatment 16%
Furniture and mattress encasement 71%
Chemical pesticides 82%
Non-chemical options (i.e. diatomaceous earth/silicon dioxide) 21%
Vacuuming 47%
Sealing cracks and crevasses 24%

8. Has your property experienced re-infestations of units which were successfully treated and determined to be free of bed bugs by a pest control professional?

Yes 71%
No 29%

9. If you answered “Yes” to Question 8, have you been able to conclusively determine what caused the re-infestation? Please check all that apply.

Unsuccessful or ineffective method used in pest control treatment of the infestation 29%
Tenant non-compliance with treatment instructions/protocols 89%
Property staff non-compliance with treatment instructions/protocols 0%
Infested second-hand furniture (including mattresses, etc.) brought on to the property after the treatment 64%
Infested second-hand items (including rugs, clothing, etc.) brought on to the property after the treatment 43%
We have been unable to conclusively determine what caused the re-infestation 21%
No, we have not had any reinfestations at the property 0%
Other 4%

10. What steps has your property taken in the past prior to the effective date of HUD’s bed bug Notice H 2011-20 (August 16, 2011) to help prevent bed bug infestations? Please check all that apply.

Developed and implemented an integrated pest management (IPM) plan 54%
Require inspection of furniture and other tenant items at move-in 15%
Require inspection of furniture and other tenant items after move-in 15%
Offer voluntary inspection services of furniture and tenant items at or after move-in 22%
Provide educational information to tenants and staff on identifying bed bugs and provide information on next steps for treatment 83%
Provide encasements for mattresses, pillows, and furniture 33%
Require treatment (non-chemical or chemical) of furniture and other tenant items at move-in 4%
Require treatment (non-chemical or chemical) of furniture and other tenant items after move-in 9%
Offer treatment (non-chemical or chemical) services of furniture and tenant items at or after move-in 11%
Require tenants to remove excess clutter from their units 57%
Require tenants to sign a lease addendum agreeing to the control and prevention of bed bugs 35%
Keeping records of previous infestations 78%
Providing inspections of common areas and units to look for infestations 76%
My property has not taken any preventative measures for bed bug infestations at this time 2%
Other 11%

11. What steps does your property plan to take in the future to help prevent bed bug infestations? Please check all that apply.

Developed and implemented an integrated pest management (IPM) plan 62%
Require inspection of furniture at move-in 26%
Voluntary inspection of furniture after move-in 31%
Provide educational information to tenants and staff on identifying bed bugs and provide information on next steps for treatment 62%
Provide encasements for mattresses, pillows, and furniture 18%
Require treatment (non-chemical or chemical) of furniture at move-in 5%
Voluntary treatment (non-chemical or chemical) of furniture after move-in 13%
Require tenants to remove excess clutter from their units 54%
Require tenants to sign a lease addendum agreeing to the control and prevention of bed bugs 33%
Keeping records of previous infestations 64%
Providing inspections of common areas and units to look for infestations 62%
My property does not plan to taken any preventative measures for bed bug infestations at this time 3%
Other 10%